VA Mortgage-Free Home Given to Iraq War Hero

After fighting in the Iraq War and becoming 100 percent disabled due to war injuries incurred, Curtis Zachary returned home to Dallas and his family with an uncertain future.  But thanks to the caring efforts of a local nonprofit, the Zachary family was recently given a mortgage-free home and a chance at new civilian life after years of supporting his country.

The brand new home was provided by Defenders of Freedom, an organization that assists veterans in making the shift into civilian life after their overseas experiences. “If it wasn’t for them, God knows where we would be,” Curtis Zachary said recently to reporters in front of his new home. “We were about to lose our home, didn’t have rent.”

This is the first in a series of mortgage-free homes in the Dallas area that Defenders of Freedom plans on giving away, and the builder of these Dallas homes, Richard Lane, said he was incredibly proud to be part of the process of aiding the Zachary family and being with them on the day they showed off their new home.  “When you come back wounded, 100-percent disabled, your life is never the same,” Lane said.  “I was very excited for today.  It was hard to sleep at night, because this is such a great event, a great opportunity to say thank you.”

Defenders of Freedom wants it to be known that they will be giving away other properties, including a house just next door from the Zachary’s on Diceman Drive, and that the families who move into these Dallas home are yet to be determined.  The nonprofit says that any family with an injured veteran can apply for one of these homes, and it is encouraging military families to take part in this remarkable opportunity.

With the Dallas area home values and Dallas VA mortgage rates on the rise over the past few months, the opportunity for our military heroes to be given a piece of this amazing real estate market is a true token of appreciation for their service and something that all Dallas homeowners can be proud of.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Dallas VA mortgage loans and Dallas VA mortgage rates, don’t hesitate to give us a call directly at our office, 972-499-0454.  Our team of experienced VA mortgage professionals are available to help you find best mortgage option.

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+Patrick Glaros empowers people to find their best home loan option. Through planning and education, and a goal-oriented approach, Patrick and the team at Dallas Mortgage Planners have one common goal: Help clients make an informed decision to choose the best home loan for their unique situation. Find other articles written by Patrick.

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